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Doctor Beth


Doctor Beth has been a fan all her life.  She loves collecting and selling Television and Science Fiction memorobelia.   She has been collecting and selling fanzines, and film clips on ebay for 22 years.    

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Kandy Fong


It took Star Trek with its deeper messages and unique characters to change Kandy Fong from someone who enjoyed Science Fiction into an active fan.  In 1974, she helped create the United Federation of Phoenix, one of the longest running Star Trek fan clubs in the world.  Kandy met her future husband at the first meeting.  John Fong had a collection of over a thousand film clips in notebooks and cigar boxes.  Kandy had the idea to use the clips mounted as slides to illustrate a song or recorded story.  This was the birth of fan-made music videos. When Kandy met Gene Roddenberry, she told him about the one show she had made & the fans' reactions. He encouraged her to make more for other conventions. Roddenberry used Kandy's letters about these gatherings as proof to Paramount Studios that Star Trek was not dead and there were people that would go to a movie.  Kandy volunteered at several fan conventions each year and showed her slide shows.  Later, after the invention of VHS machines, other fans started making videos, Kandy created the idea of showing fan videos as part of programming and invented the 'con tape'.  Kandy still volunteers at conventions and has started computer editing music videos.  Lately she helps Dr. Beth with her film clips.


Doctor Beth's Science Fiction Emporium

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